Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Email "Ignore"-ance

Here is an article I found that everyone should consider when writing and replying to emails. I take emailing very seriously. The author makes very good points. You can view this article at: Angrycoder.com and look at other articles he has written.

Email "Ignore"-ance
by Jonathan Goodyear - MVP, RD, self-proclaimed Internet Bad-Boy
Column angryCoder
Date 6/22/2001
If you were speaking to someone, and they acted as though you weren't there, wouldn't that annoy you? It sure would annoy me. In fact, most people would consider this behavior downright rude! Yet, many of these same people have no problem with ignoring email that is sent to them. Let's forget for a moment that I prefer other modes of communication, anyway. I'm not talking about SPAM, emails sent to many recipients, or newsletters. I'm referring to emails that either specifically ask for a response, or imply that one should be sent. I've run into this situation dozens of times:

1. Send an email with a question
2. Wait
3. Send a reminder email
4. Wait some more
5. Send a third (more stern) email with that obnoxious "high-priority" flag
6. Wait yet again
7. Unleash a flurry of four letter expletives and give up

How about the jack-ass that sends an email asking me a question, and then ignores my response emails requesting additional information? What could they possibly be thinking? The sender is essentially telling me that they feel that my time isn't valuable. If you're not going to listen to my response, then don't bother me in the first place.

Some of you are probably thinking "But, I get so much email every day. I can't possibly answer it all." Cut the crap, and stop your whining. I get more email in any given day than most people can possibly imagine. I find a way to answer every one (that asks for an answer, of course). If I don't answer an email, it is a genuine mistake. When I discover these oversights, I apologize for them.

Another annoying email habit that is spreading like wildfire is what I like to call the "email time capsule". I'll send somebody an email and get a response several weeks later (long after I have given up on it). The sender usually makes no reference to the incredible tardiness of their response. What the hell good is that? If I wanted to wait that long, I would have used an envelope and some postage. Is their life so hectic that they can't even take the time to shoot me a quick email saying that they are too busy to field my question at the moment? Don't leave me hanging like that!

Somehow, somewhere, people got the notion that the internet was a buffer shielding us from the obligations of common manners. I would like to see this trend make an about-face, starting with email. When I send you an email, I would like a prompt reply (even if it is just to say that you'll have to get back to me later). I will extend you the same courtesy. It's sad that I have to write about a lesson that we all should have learned in Kindergarten. It's time for the trolls to crawl out of their caves and sharpen some of their social interaction skills. My name is Jonathan Goodyear, and I am the angryCoder.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Gentlemen of Golf

Golf, my biggest passion. Also my worst nightmare. But this story isn't about how golf surrounds me or my ability to play this game. But a gentlemen. Not just any gentlemen, 'A Gentlemen of Golf.'

My father taught me how to play golf. My dad died in July 2000. What an unbelievable turn of events. From just talking with him a few weeks earlier, to dropping dead on the golf course, as it was conveyed to me. However, that's not what happened. But if it had been, that's where, I'm sure, he would have loved to be when he kicked the bucket.

My father loved golf. It wasn't just the excitement of hitting a great shot or even making a long putt. It was his camaraderie with his playing buddies. His ability to talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk for the game of golf. He wasn't a flim flam man or a con man. But if you asked any of his friends, they may cause to differ. He was the essence of what it was to be out on the course. Along with his brother, my uncle, who he loved dearly, together they experienced the courage, wisdom, knowledge, talent, success and failure of this sport they loved.

What is a 'gentlemen of golf'? Well, that depends on who you ask. It's really kind of hard to define. Consider this: what makes a human being, drag 14 clubs through 6500 yards of grass, trees, weeds, dirt, sand, asphalt, hitting a small white spherical ball, to a cup 4 inches in diameter? The only answer I can give you: you have to experience it yourself.

There isn't one definition of a gentlemen of golf. I believe it is a culmination of ideas, thoughts, theories, essence, knowing what to do and when, and a multitude of subconscious actions. It is an ambiance that you display. An unconscious portrayal of a seasoned golfer. The sixth sense of golf.

Growing up in the sixties and seventies was a fun time. Golf was not as popular as it is today. The equipment was different and the players were different. Even the current rates for green fees have skyrocketed. I remember playing several times a week during the summer with my brother, while our mother worked. She would drop us off at the golf course at the military base she worked. We would play all day for two dollars. In fact I vividly recall playing 72 holes in one day. A feat that my brother and I still talk about today.

I believe those times instilled in me the concept and traits of a gentlemen of golf. Not everyone falls into this category. I believe it is very rare you could get 4 different skills of play in one foursome and display the kind of aura I am talking about. In my opinion, if you watch professional golfers as part of the gallery or watch it on television, you won't see gentlemen of golf. You see people trying to beat each other. It is their job and the golf course is their office. But if you put those golfers in a different golf stage, such as playing with their buddies, some of them will display the gentlemen of golf character.

A gentlemen of golf is not something you can see. It is a feeling within your group. You can't just arbitrarily take one foursome and say they are this gentlemen of golf group. I believe the sense of playing with someone who you might think is a gentlemen of golf takes a lifetime. One of the fascinating things about playing golf is meeting other golfers and then relating their style of golf with yours. I have played with novices and professionals. And in some instances, playing with the novice has been more of a gentlemen experience than playing with the professionals.

I've been fortunate to turn 50 years old on May 3, 2007. Having played for more than 40 years, it has been both rewarding and disappointing. I have played golf with many men, women and children of differing skill levels. There are gentlemen of golf that display an extra amount of reserved stoic golf enthusiasm. My friend Bob Stone, or "Stoney" as he is called by his peers, is 77 years old (the same age my father would have been). Ironically, Bob didn't start playing golf until he was 50. I have known Bob now for over ten years. And in the 25 or so years he has played golf, he has displayed the essence of what I have tried to convey. Now Bob is no croon. He has a very good swing for his age and pretty much pops it down the fairway almost every time. The way he conducts himself with other golfers is unmatched. If my father were alive, he and Bob would surely display the gentlemen of golf ambiance.

Aside from the aura of playing in a gentlemen of golf group, there are many things to consider while playing your round. I recently took a poll from various forums and newsgroups and received a handful of e-mail responses that embodied the gentlemen of golf type. The true gentleman of the game remembers what it was like for them to learn the game. They will take the time, when appropriate, on the range or other practice facility, to impart a small tip on someone who seems to be just starting the game. When playing, the gentleman of the game maintains a good pace of play and helps others to do the same. He understands that on the course is not the place for a lesson. He lives up to the etiquette of the game and is an example to others. Fixing ball marks, raking traps, replacing divots and (here's one you don't see much), waving the group on the tee up on a par three, is paramount. He knows how to tend a flag or mark a ball. The only time that a club leaves his hand is when he puts it in his bag. He knows where to stand, when to talk and when to watch. Have you ever noticed other players in your group head to the next tee after putting? That is a strict no-no. Everyone should get the same courtesy no matter what skill level. A gentleman of the game understands the rules, plays by them, imparts penalties on themselves, and helps others understand those rules. A gentlemen of golf is aware of his surroundings and his presence.

Some people may argue that other sports or games have their own gentlemen, but in golf, your true self shows up. It is a game that can define who you are. How much aggravation, frustration and even success can you take while playing golf. This game will test every part of your human personality. The true gentlemen of golf are out there. They battle and they persist. Sometimes they even conquer a golf course. They represent all that is good for the game of golf. Whether you love it or despise it, young or old, you can play golf for a lifetime. And if you do, being a gentlemen of golf is the way to go. It is most probably the best game man has ever devised.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mattaponi Spring....RAIN!

Another TGAA tournament and RAIN. I don't think I have ever played 18 holes in the rain. That's all it did that day (4/8/2006)...RAIN! Coupled with a course that barely has any level area and you are looking at a high scoring day. If the rain wasn't bad enough, the temperature started to go down and the wind started to get worse.

I had a bad front nine, but somehow managed a good back nine. I came in 8th place and won my entry fee back. Couldn't manage a skin or closest to the pin.

Mattaponi Springs is about an hour from Midlothian. I think it would be a nice course to play with the sun out. Maybe I will play it again someday. Next stop..Cannon Ridge in Fredericksbug. See ya

Sunday, March 26, 2006

First TGA Tour Event

I played my first TGA golf tournament at Belmont Golf Club in Richmond, Virginia. We played on Saturday 3-25-2006. Although the tournament was run very well, my game was not. Let's just say it was probably my worst round I've played in Virginia.

The temperature was about 48 degrees with some wind now and then..mostly now. It was cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. I have played Belmont about 4 times and I have never played on greens this fast. It was probably 12 on the stimp meter, if not more. The greens were hard and nothing was holding. I couldn't even get anything to check.

Needless to say, putting was very difficult. I think I had 5 three putts! I don't think I have ever had that many. I had and eagle putt on #9 and three-putted for 5.

Well I didn't finish in the money, but I did manage to win $150 on side bets. I won a Gross Skin and a Closest to the Pin on #13.

Since it was my first tournament with TGA, I think I had other mental thoughts on my mind instead of playing my game. Now that I thought about it, I really wasn't concentrating on my game. I just kind of fished around the course. However, I managed to make 3 birdies. One of my playing parters, Paul, eagled #10 from the sand trap. Our highlight of the day. Good shot Paul! Needless to say, he won the skin for that hole.

Now that I have started this Tour, watch out guys because I am coming in full board on future tournaments. I will eventually win one or more, or at least be in the top ten.

I'd like to thank Dennis Baca; president of TGA, and the staff for welcoming me to the tournament. See you all on the links. Shoot Well!

The 2005 Chronicles

Well I guess it's about time to catch up. Let's just say that 2005 was a life-changing time.

We took a small vacation to Richmond back in March 2005 to look for homes and work. We actually didn’t find anything while we were there, but Lisa found our home on realtor.com when we returned. A bold move, but so far it has worked out pretty good. The house is 15 years old, 4 bedrooms, 3½ bath, two-story, approx. 3000 square feet on about 1/3 of an acre.

Tommy, Adam and Jesse all stayed in San Diego. Lisa, Nick, Sarah and I are together in Virginia. Jesse was considering moving with us, but decided to stay. Jesse and his girlfriend Jen visited us at the end of July for about a week. It was hot, humid and lots of bugs. We all visited Busch Gardens and Water County. It was actually raining when we were at Water Country, but the park stays open unless there is lightning, so we all got to play in the rain.

Jesse, now 21, is working at MSI in Mira Mesa. They provide equipment for various stage productions throughout the country. Jesse has a new 2005 Toyota Prius Hybrid and loves it. He is living in Mira Mesa, enjoys playing disc golf in Balboa Park and also loves to play Mahjong (a typical Filipino).

Adam is 25. He is working with my brother Michael for MWR. Adam’s role is to assemble and connect computers together within the base facility so that the military personnel can use the Internet, email, video gaming and other computer & electronic related activities. His spare time is usually with a Rubik’s Cube. He has built different type cubes and has sold them on E-bay. He has competed in cube competitions and his fastest time is about 25 seconds. Adam visited us the beginning of December.

Tommy is 28 and has a son, Gavin, who is almost four years old. Gavin lives with his mother Camille in Sacramento, so he doesn’t get to see him as much as he would love to, but he talks to him on the phone a lot. Tommy was working for Best Buy, but quit in January 2006 and has moved in with us, at least for the time being. He has fallen into some hard times lately. We do what we can, but any encouragement and some guidance from other relatives or friends can help him get up on his feet again.

Nick turned 15 on June 30. He is in the 10th grade and attends Monacan High School. Nick helped a lot with moving from California to Virginia. He is very good with tools and has worked on various projects in our new home. Nick is also interested in computers, video production and the culinary arts. Nick is also learning Japanese in school and seems to be doing real well. He also has this fascination for cows. CowUdder Productions is in his future.

Sarah is now 5 years old. She seems to be having a ball in her new home in Virginia. Harry Potter seems to be her favorite movie. She must know the whole script by now. Since Sarah’s birthday fell too far from the school cutline, she will start Kindergarten in September 2006. I think that will help her in the long run. Sarah is very active and you can’t shut her up. She is always talking about something. Sometimes it’s annoying, but most times it’s a delight to hear her take on the world. One of her favorite toy animals is Spot, a puppy dalmation. Sarah likes the outdoors and probably can’t wait for snow to fall. She likes to watch America’s Funniest Videos (she calls it The Funny Show). Once she starts laughing, it doesn’t stop until it’s over. Oh My!

Mystic is our Siberian Husky. She is 3 years old and has had a 3 puppy litter. She is a good dog and very funny. She seems to talk to us in her own way. We all enjoy her except that she sheds a lot. She has a big yard to run around in and seems to enjoy her surroundings, especially all the squirrels.

Lisa is the glue that keeps our family together. She keeps on going like the Energizer bunny. I keep telling her to slow down, but her non-stop frame of mind takes over. Lisa has been a stay-at-home mom since Adam was born. Lisa’s efforts in looking for our home in Virginia seemed to be endless. Many days and nights the past few years were spent calling different parts of the country in hopes of a place where life might be a little less crowded, less expensive to live, four seasons, and a place where Nick and Sarah could grow up and have the quality of life all kids deserve. Lisa has been busy with many house projects since we have moved. She has met all of our nearby neighbors who seem to be very friendly. A couple of our neighbors have brought snacks and desserts welcoming us to the area. Now that we have an even bigger house, Lisa is on the go even more. She does a lot to nurture our kids and care for us so we can enjoy our lives.

I am still in the engineering field (25 years). I work for Dunlap & Partners here in Virginia. The people I work with all seem to be friendly and have welcomed me graciously. I play golf about twice a week and also try to hit at least two hundred balls a week. Watch out Champions Tour! Since we have a bigger house, there seems to be a little more work to do around here, but I still manage to play. I found a gaming company here in Virginia called Dealers Choice. It’s the same type company I worked for in San Diego; Casino Knights. It’s just something to do and make a little extra cash. I am also playing in the Tournament Golf Association Tour in Virginia. We travel to many courses in Virginia and Maryland. It's a good start for my climb to the Champions Tour.

If you haven’t already heard, my mother passed away this year on November 18th. She was 71. It was so unexpected. However, she had been physically in pain for about two years. Some days were good, some were not. She was diabetic and that contributed to the series of events leading to her unexpected death. My sister Zebbie bore the brunt of this family crisis and I commend her efforts and strength throughout the whole ordeal. If you knew my mother, she was a kind, generous and caring individual. She is in heaven with God and enjoying her reunion with my father and all her loved ones that have passed before her.

That's the quick 2005 Chronicles, but so much more to tell. So, call me up to chat and we'll catch up. And don't forget, if you want to comment on anything I have written, please do. Look for more of my posts this year. I've still got lot's to say and lot's of opinions. Life is really a big game..Play It!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well we're already a month into 2006. It was so busy the last 3 months that I just didn't get a chance to sit down an update my blog. And in this post, I'm not going to either...lol. No, I just wanted to let anyone whoever reads this that I will update what has happened through 2005. A lot has changed and a lot has happened. So stay tuned. I will write more ASAP. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Casino Virginia

Well those who know me know that I am a gaming (ie. craps, blackjack, roulette, etc) dealer. I worked for Casino Knights in San Diego for almost 15 years. Larry & Anita Mulherin created Casino Knights which was eventually sold to Lonnie & Pat Morris. As of today, I'm not sure who is running C.K. now.

I recently came across another party event gaming business , 'Dealers Choice'. I guess I am going to get back into dealing again. I talked with the owner Brenda, and it seemed like a perfect match. My resume included everything she was looking for in quality dealers.

As you may or may not know, I have always been fascinated with gaming. I have met many people and celebrities in my gaming history. I look forward to dealing again and meeting a whole new bunch of gamers.

I'll see all you Virginians at the tables!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Virginia Golf Again

Well, let me add to the blog I just wrote. Here are my reviews of the course I have played in Virginia. Ratings (1-5) 5 is the best:

Providence Golf Club:Good layout. Greens are slow, sometimes bumpy. Tee boxes need to be cut. Pace of play is fair. Depends on who you are behind. Green fees are average. Can go low if shots are stiff.
Rating: 3

independence Golf Club:Home of the virginia State Golf Association. Nice layout. Good greens. Medium speed. Long from the back tees. Didn't think it was worth the price.
Rating: 4

Birkdale Golf Club:This has a similar feel to Providence. Good risk/reward holes. Greens slow. Long par 3's from the back tees. Price okay.
Rating: 3½

Hunting Hawk:Good layout. Pretty open. Can be long from the back tees. Greens are medium speed. Got my longest hole-out from the fairway on the #1 handicap hole. 465 yard par 4. Was 185 out and holed it for a 2. A little pricey.
Rating 3½

Glenwood GOlf Club:Richmond's oldest course. Nice simple layout. Not flashy. Traditional golf. Greens slow. Tee boxes not always cut.
Rating: 3

The Crossings:Well when I played it, they didn't tell me they had 5 greens that looked like bunkers. Layout was generally okay. Very slow greens. If in good shape, you can shoot well. Rating: 3

Wintergreen Resort - Devils Knob Course:Up in the mountains. The highest in Virginia. Good layout. Greens always in good shape. Although a little slow at times. Tight holes, but can score good if in fairway. Very Pricey
Rating: 3½

Brandermill Country Club:All holes are by themselves. No hole crosses each other or runs parallel. Kind of neat. Greens are so so. Medium speed. Bunkers somewhat rocky. Membership only and pricey.
Rating: 4

Quarter Mill Golf Club:Good track. Wide fairways. Greens a little bumpy and slow. Good price. Tee boxes not cut.
Rating: 3

Virginia country Club - Tuckahoe CourseGood layout. Wide fairways. Greens medium speed. Good betting course. Membership only.
Rating: 4

All in all, the courses are okay. Comparing them to California courses. Seems to me greens are fast in CA and slow in VA. I still have to say I am biased to West coast courses. Maybe that will change. We'll see. I'll be playing Williamsburg National Golf Club on Friday Sep 2, 2005. I'll rate that in another blog.

Virginia Golf

Well, I have been here in Virginia for two months now. Played about 7 different courses. The closest one is Providence Golf Club. Not a bad course. About 6500 yards from the back tees. Lowest score so far is 71. One of the greens #5 is pretty trashed. Hope they fix it.